Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well... I'm Still Here!!!!

Well, I haven't gotten "the call" yet! This was a VERY long weekend! I am glad the week has started! I e-mailed the agency and they are still "hopeful" that they will here something this week about our travel. It is funny how "a strong likelihood" of travel has now turned into "hopeful"! I am really trying not to be too negative - but I am really getting angry. I am ready to be finished with all of this! The fact that my son will be 11 months old on the 28th doesn't make it any better!!

We got a Travel Guide from our agency that gave us guidelines for travel. One thing I found interesting was that they told us not to go out in public in shorts. They said that it wasn't socially acceptable. That is pretty much all I was planning on taking, expect for a few nice outfits for the Giving and Receiving and the interviews. Guess I will be going to the mall this weekend! Also, they told us not to bring the Playtex Drop-In bottle system. I had heard just the opposite - so that is all I registered for!!! I e-mailed the agency and they told me that the babies are not using those particular nipples - so they might not adjust to them. I was told to wait until I get there to buy the bottles and nipples because they would be cheaper. I guess that is what I will do. After reading the guidelines and learning in detail all the official stuff we will do there, I am getting very nervous. All I have thought about is getting my child - not all the other things we have to do before we come home!

Well, hopefully I will hear something this week - otherwise it is going to be another LONG weekend!!!


At 8:33 AM, Blogger LaLa said...

Hey..hoping you find out soon!! I am confused too..on all the boards it seems like shorts are fine and even in photos I see families in them all the time. I know in China we wore them and had no problems?? We did take the Playtex drop ins to China (our daughter was 12.5 months old) and she took them fine but did prefer the Chinese bottles,they had an angled nipple (kind of like the colic ones here..I wonder if they make angled ones for the drop ins?) Of course she only took the bottle a couple of weeks and then moved on to all table food : ) Happy travels!!

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I am praying that you hear something this week. I know how hard this is.

At 9:34 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Hey Stacey - I hope you get the call very soon. You can wear shorts in VN, no problem. Take bottles that you want to use, the kids adjust just fine. If you click the "Perryman Adoption" link on our site, then check out the "journal" section off to the left side of their page, all the families from our trip compiled a list of helpful info for travel. Also, we are keeping Sarah on a bottle for quite a while (like maybe a year) just for bonding purposes. We have switched her over to whole milk since being home. Hope this helps!


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