Well, October is finally here!!! I feel as though I write this same entry every month - just change the month!!! However, this has got to be our month!!!! We got our referral 2 months ago yesterday and they told us 2-3 months wait for our travel approval.
I am growing more and more impatient with each passing day! Ever since we got the new pictures of Brenden and I have seen how much he has changed, I can't stop thinking about going to get him!!! I am starting to get that panicked feeling that I had waiting for our referral (3 1/2 month wait). He just turned 10 months old last week - if I am not there with him for his 11 month I might scream!!!! He is an older child than we requested - so I think I might be panicked a little over this. I am upset that I have missed soooo much time with him already - I just want our agency to get us over there!!! I do know, however, that it is completely our of their hands. I am just praying that whoever has our paperwork in their hands will hurry up an approve it!!!
We have had our Visas for a while now - I hope that means that the call will come soon!!!! The ache for my child grows stronger with each passing day! I know that Gods is and has been in control of this entire process - so I must remember to put my trust in Him only!
Hopefully the next time I post I will have some good news to share!
I can't wait to hear the news of your travel. I really pray it is soon soon soon!!
I hope your travel is soon. We adopted from China (got home last Nov) and she was 13 months old when we met her. Let me assure you..your son is still very much a baby : ) We are now in the Vietnam process and are looking forward to following your journey.
I really hope you get travel news soon, so that you can be united with your family! Good luck I hope this is your month.
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