Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Nothing New

Another week with no adoption news! It is becoming the story of my life!!! The good news is that this is the first week I have not felt down about it - that is progress.

One good bit of information - I received and e-mail from a person who found our name on the FCVN website. This person is using my agency and is waiting just like we are. I got some encouraging updates through the e-mail and it is helping me to look at things in a different light. It is so nice to know someone who is using the same agency and who is in the same stage we are. Who knows ~ maybe we will travel to get our children together! This e-mail is an answer to a prayer that I have praying for a long time. I have felt so alone in this and have not been able to get any type of answers from the Lord during my quiet times. The night before I got the e-mail I was asking my friend to pray for me because I felt like God wasn't listening anymore (as crazy as that sounds). The next morning I received the e-mail. God's timing is perfect!

We have no big plans for the weekend! The baby's room is pretty much put together - we are still waiting for the double dresser. I told my husband that I would like to go to the beach and spend some time together. Even though we live at the beach, it still feels like we are on vacation when we spend the day there !

To those of us still waiting referral or travel - maybe August will be "the month" for us. Personally, I am praying the referral will come before my 33rd birthday - August 14th.

Have a great weekend!!!!


At 6:36 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Hope that you get that referral soon. It's so hard waiting. I know it is for us and we have such a long wait ahead of us. The weather should be good this weekend. Good beach weather.

At 1:55 AM, Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

What a cool answer to prayer. It's great to have an adoption buddy - even better a friend from your agency to share info with!

At 7:24 AM, Blogger erinlo said...

Praying your referral will come before August 14!!!!


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