Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Great Visit!

Well, I just dropped my parents off at the airport (boo hoo). We had a great visit! We spent most of our days lounging at the beach. The weather was beautiful!!! It was the type of days that you could spend all day at the beach and not get hot!!

While my parents were here we put up the crib and the bookshelf. The baby's room is starting to look great!! Our double dresser is supposed to be here today. My baby shower was this past Saturday and it went great! I got lots of nice gifts. I will post pictures soon! My mom and I had so much fun coming home and putting away all the gifts! I still need so much more though!! I guess it is a good thing I am having another shower with my friends from Atlanta.

Unfortunately, I still have not heard anything about our referral!! I e-mailed our agency yesterday for an update - but I haven't heard anything yet. I hope they have something new to tell me - though I am not counting on it. I guess we still have a couple of more days before the weekend - there is always hope that it will come!

Well, I am going to start cleaning my house - it is a disaster after having company! Until next time...


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