Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Friday, July 07, 2006

No, Nothing, Notta

Well, here we are at the end of the week that I was supposed to get my referral according to my agency...Guess what? No referral!!!!!!! I just can't imagine what is taking so long!! It is not that I am sad anymore - I have moved passed that to being mad!! I am ready to call up to the agency and cause a fuss. However, I also know that your get more with honey than lemons. So - I will keep my mouth shut for a little longer.

I am feeling the pressure also because my baby shower is next Saturday. People have been asking what the sex and age are so that they can buy the baby some clothes. I have registered for all gender neutral things - so there are plenty of items for them to get (177 to be exact). I am hoping that I will here something this coming up week. if I don't here anything by then - I will come unglued and have to cause a fuss.

On a good note - my parents are coming in town this Tuesday!! They are bringing with them a bookshelf they bought at IKEA for the baby - we don't have an IKEA here or anywhere in Florida for that matter!! By the time they come - we should have the room painted and the crib put together. I am hoping that the double dresser will be in next week. Since my parents don't live here, this will be our only opportunity to involve them in setting up the room. I know they are looking forward to it - and I am too. I wil post pictures once I get the room set up. I haven't been able to order the bedding or the pictures for the room because they are gender specific. I am doing "frogs" as a theme for boy or girl. I am using the Kelly Rightsell frogs, she has boy and girl frog prints and rugs. If you haven't checked out her website you should, it is - www.kellyrightsell.com she has adorable things!

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend! I personally hope it flies past quickly so that we can get ready for a new week of referrals - hopefully.

PS - I wanted to share a verse that the Lord revealed to me last night during my quiet time. I was consumed with thoughts about the adoption and the timeline the agency gave me - and then I read this: "Don't put your confidence in powerful people; there is no hope for you there." Psalm 146:3 "But joyful are those whose hope is in the Lord their God." Psalm 146:5
Ouch - that one hit me right between the eyes! I am still trying to digest it!


At 6:54 PM, Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

Isn't that frustrating, hitting Friday with nothing to show for a week of waiting? Hopefully this will be your last weekend of wondering. And the decorating plans sound great... I *love* those frog patterns! Totally adorable and fun.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Come on referral...I have faith it will come SOON!


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