Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Hooray for July

Finally July has arrived!!! I know that everyone else awaiting a referral or travel approval is just as glad as I am that June is over and July has begun! I must say that it has started with a bang around my house. My husband and I decided that we would start the baby's room in July with or without a referral (of course who would have thought we wouldn't have one yet). So that is exactly what we did!

We started off the morning by going to pick-up our crib (it had been in for a month - but we hadn't gotten it yet). The crib is now in the garage, we won't put it together until we paint the baby's room. Then we came home and re-arranged our guest room so that our computer would fit in it. Now my husband will have to share his office with our guest room. He seems to by fine with it (thank you Lord for that!). That took up most of the day because we had to move some things out of the guest room into our living room. So, mainly we took things apart and then set them back up again in another part of our house. At 10:00 last night we called it quits and decided to go to bed!

This morning we got up and went to church, went out to lunch, and now we are getting ready to start on the room again! Our goal it to clean out this weekend and paint next weekend. We decided to paint the room a pale yellow even if it is a boy. My parents are coming next Wednesday - so they will help us put up the crib and bookshelf. The double dresser should be in sometime next week - so they will be able to see that too! It helps to get everything ready - at least I feel I am being pro-active!

My shower invitations went out at the end of last week - so everyone at church today kept asking if we found out the sex of our child. It didn't bother me to keep answering "Not yet". I am feeling confident that our wait shouldn't be that much longer to get the referral. I did e-mail our agency to find out what the hold up is; but I haven't heard back from them yet. I am hoping I will here something on Monday. We have been next in line to receive a referral for a few weeks now - it seems weird that we haven't gotten one yet! Maybe I will have some answers soon!

I hope everone has a great 4th with their family and friends! I am sure we will be busy cleaning out the baby's room, but honestly, I can't think of a better way to spend my time!!!


At 8:59 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

Working on the nursery is so much fun!! I hope that your referral is right around the corner. Happy 4th of July!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

It really does have something under your "control"... and getting the nursery ready is a great way to do that. Can't wait to see the results! And I hope this is your referral week. :-)


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