Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Monday, June 26, 2006


Today has been a hard day for me!! I have felt very "down in the dumps". I actually had a great weekend with my husband. We just did fun things this weekend. However, I feel as though something (actually someone) is missing. This is the first time that I have felt like a piece of our family was not here with us! The wait for our child is getting harder!!! I would like to be optomistic and say, "Well, at least it is one day closer to the referral" - but I just don't feel like it is. At this point, I am wondering if the phone is ever going to ring!!! I know that obviously it will - BUT WHEN???? It is getting harder to look people in the eye - because they are all waiting for "the news". I can't take it when they say, "Don't worry it will happen soon". How do they know!!!! I know I am ranting, but I have to get this out! I really don't know how much more of this I can take. I am praying that the Lord will give me the strength to overcome this feeling of crawling into bed and never getting out!

I pray that I will have good news to announce this week - even if it is just that I am feeling more positive about everything!


At 8:51 AM, Blogger erinlo said...

I'm so sorry. I understand completely who how you feel! The wait for referral is so difficult. I used to hate it when people would tell me things like, "Well- it's all in God's timing!"

I KNOW that- you dork- but I want His timing to be NOW!!!! And it doesn't make the wait any easier.

Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers this week- maybe this will be "the week!"

At 9:24 AM, Blogger Kelly said...

I am sorry that you had a bad day. It is so hard when you are overcome with those feelings of "Is this ever going to happen?" No one can say anything to make that feeling go away.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

You know I know how you feel... and I'm sorry your referral is so long in coming. "Soon" is just not soon enough when we're waiting for a child. Rant all you want - I think it actually helps us get back to the positive attitude faster than if we try to hold it all in.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Stepping On Legos said...

I totally feel for you. It is sad when "good news" for the week is just a more optimistic outlook and not actually news at all, huh? But I definitely am in that boat.


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