Our Adoption Journey - Vietnam

Join my husband and I on our journey to adopt our first child. We have chosen Vietnam for many reasons - but mainly because they are supposed to have short wait times for referral and travel.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Still Not Ours Yet

Well, We have been here almost 2 weeks and we have not had the Giving and Receiving Ceremony yet. We were supposed to have it last Thursday, but the orphanage director was in a meeting and could not make it. Then we were supposed to have it Friday at 10:00 AM - but again the orphanage director had meetings. So - we moved it to 4:00, agian - meetings!!! So we have spent the last 2 days sitting in our hotel room dressed and ready to go! Needless to say - we are beyond frustrated!!!! We hope that this won't put us back from going to Hanoi on Nov. 20th.

Brenden is fighting a chest cold and is teething badly! We have been in the room today hoping this will help him feel better. For the past 2 days - he has only wanted me to hold him. If I put him down he screams. It has been pretty rough! I am going stir crazy in this room!! I am hoping he feels better tomorrow. Sitting in our room has really gotten to my husband and me! We are hoping to get out at least for a little while tomorrow!

We are hoping to go the Mekong Delta tomorrow - but we will see. I would hate to leave here and not really be able to see all the wonderful sights. With everything that has gone on here (some things I should not mention) I am not sure if we will adopt from here again. We might choose another country next time.

I know I might sound a little jaded right now, but I don't want that to take away from the overwhelming joy we feel for our son!! We love him soooo much - we are just ready to take him home! I am still hoping that we will make our original flight on Novemmber 28th - but I don't know!

Hopefully we have our G&R ceremony on Monday. If we do I will try to find time to post to let you know!!!

By the way, we are still working on the pictures!!!


At 6:52 AM, Blogger Stepping On Legos said...

Oh Stacey - I am so sorry things are so rough right now. How ridiculous that you still haven't had your G&R! I am having my own rough time at the moment so I completey sympathize. I'm so glad you at least get to be Mama right now and your baby is not waiting for the G&R stuck off in an orphanage. Hope he feels better (our baby has a cold and ear infection so I understand) and you guys can get out soon.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Mrs. Broccoli Guy said...

How frustrating for you!! I'm sorry things are going the way they should... it seems there is a lot of differences in the way each agency's processes seem to go.
Anyway, it sounds like your bonding with Brenden is going very well, but I can imagine how stir crazy you must be - I hope you can get out tomorrow!

At 9:06 AM, Blogger jenn said...

So sorry things are not going smooth. Hopefully next week things turn around and move quickly for you.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

So sorry that things have not been going well on the adoption front. Hopefully this week will turn things around. I hope Brenden feels better soon...it does sound like he's bonding nicely to his mommy, though :)


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